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rusconv v.3.11.

List of warnings and error messages.

error: unrecognized flag 'flag_name'.

 Check spelling of flags. Make sure that you run right version of rusconv (3.11).


rusconv -koi +windows -crlf2cr sample.html

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: unrecognized flag '+windows'.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: argument missed after 'define extension'.

define extension: ext, aext, lext, kext, mext, wext

 This error occurs when list of arguments finished by command of extension defining. When correcting this problem do not forget to add file names for converting.


rusconv -koi2win -o -ext

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: unrecognized flag '-koi2win'.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: 'define extension': extension yet defined.

define extension: ext, aext, lext, kext, mext, wext

 You can't define extension for the one encoding twice.


rusconv -alt +koi +win +lat -kext k -wext w -wext l readme.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: 'wext l': extension yet defined.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: 'define extension': extension too long.

Please use not more than 48 symbols.

define extension: ext, aext, lext, kext, mext, wext

 Do you ever see such long extensions?


rusconv -u2d -ext 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789

"file.with very long extension"

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: 'ext 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789': extension too long. Please use not more than 48 symbols.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: flags '-s' and '-v' can't be used together.

 To walk silently and talkative simultaniously - it is impossible. Message is printed in spite of flag '-s'.


rusconv -s -alt +win -v *.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: flags '-s' and '-v' can't be used together.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

0 file(s) converted.

error: flags 'close' and 'noclose' can't be used together.

 Error can be occured only in windows version. To keep window on desktop and to don't keep - it is impossible. Window with this error printed will not be closed in spite of flag '-close'. In DOS and UNIX versions this flags are ignored.


rusconv -close -u2d -noclose dummy.test

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: flags 'close' and 'noclose' can't be used together.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: flags 'alias' and 'alias' can't be used together.

error: flags 'alias' and 'from encoding' can't be used together.

error: flags 'alias' and 'cr2crlf or crlf2cr' can't be used together.

alias: unix2dos, unix2win, dos2unix, dos2win, u2d, u2w, d2u, d2w

from encoding: '-alt', '-koi', '-mac', '-win'

 Abbreviation unix2dos (u2d) means '-koi +alt -cr2crlf', unix2win (u2w) -- '-koi +win -cr2crlf', win2unix (w2u) -- '-win +koi -crlf2cr', dos2unix (d2u) -- '-alt +koi -crlf2cr'. If you use abbreviations you automatically defines source encoding and how to change type of end of lines. You can use flags u2d and u2w because they are not contadictory.


rusconv -u2d -crlf2cr *.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: flags 'unix2dos(u2d)' and 'crlf2cr' can't be used together.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: flags 'from encoding 1' and 'from encoding 2' can't be used together.

from encoding: '-alt', '-koi', '-mac', '-win'

 You can specify only one source encoding.


rusconv -alt -win +koi textfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: flags '-alt' and '-win' can't be used together.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: flags 'cr2crlf' and 'crlf2cr' can't be used together.

 It is impossible to change type of line ends from DOS format to UNIX format and back simultaniouosly.


rusconv -crlf2cr -cr2crlf +koi textfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: flags 'cr2crlf' and 'crlf2cr' can't be used together.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: you forgot to specify source encoding.

 Rusconv don't know from what encoding to convert. But you can change type of line ends without changing of encoding.


rusconv -crlf2cr +koi textfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: you forgot to specify source encoding.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: you forgot to specify target encoding.

 Rusconv don't know to what encoding to convert. But you can change type of line ends without changing of encoding.


rusconv -alt -crlf2cr textfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: you forgot to specify target encoding.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: flags 'ext' and 'define extension' can't be used together.

define extension: aext, lext, kext, mext, wext

 Flag 'ext' is interpreted as one of flags 'aext', 'lext', 'kext', 'mext', 'wext'. So if you use this flag and its interpretation then you defines extension for encoding twice. It is incorrect.


rusconv -alt +koi +win -kext k.txt -ext w.txt textfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: flags 'ext' and 'kext' can't be used together.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: only one target encoding can be used with flag 'ext'.

 Consider next example. Here file data.txt

is converted from alternative encoding to KOI and windows encodings. Results should be placed in different files. But in this example names for both files are the same - 'data.any'.


rusconv -alt +koi +win -ext any data.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: only one target encoding can be used with flag 'ext'.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

error: only one target encoding can be used with file overwriting.

 Results of converting should be placed in different files. But in mode of overwriting files it is impossible.


rusconv -alt +koi +win -o data.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: only one target encoding can be used with file overwriting.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

warning: 'argument' is a directory, skipping.

 List of file contains directory. Rusconv skips this argument. This warning is very valuable in UNIX-like systems where work with metachars is a duty of operating system which use directory names and file names equally. So rusconv can get directory in argument list.

 In next example rusconv gets as a file list 'dir1 dir2 .'. Last directory in list is a output directory. Directories 'dir1' and 'dir2' are skipped. So there is no files to convert.


ls -l

drwxrwxr-x   2   w_re   w_re   1024   Oct 15 22:55 dir1

drwxrwxr-x   2   w_re   w_re   1024   Oct 15 22:55 dir2

rusconv -v -u2w -o dir1 dir2 .

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

warning: 'dir1' is a directory, skipping.

warning: 'dir2' is a directory, skipping.

error: no files to convert.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

0 file(s) converted.

error: file name too long: 'file name'.

 Full file name (file directory + name with extension) is longer then allowed by operating system. Usually it is near 250 bytes. If you get this message try to use instead of full path (for example, c:\long-path\...\my-file.txt) relative path (for example, ..\myfile.txt).


rusconv -win +alt 0_1_2..._279_280

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: file name too long: '0_1_2..._279_280'.

error: no files to convert.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

0 file(s) converted.

error: file 'file name' does not exists.

 Check you spelling, make sure that file is really exists and is not hidden or system. This message also can be printed if you use metachars and no any appropriate file was found.


rusconv -u2d dir\nosuch*.file

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: file 'dir\nosuch*.file' does not exists.

error: no files to convert.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

0 file(s) converted.

warning: 'file' is read-only, skipping.

 This message is printed in mode of file overwriting. File is read-only, so rusconv shouldn't change its content.


attrib readonly\*.*

A   FILE1.TXT .....\readonly\file1.txt

A R FILE2.TXT .....\readonly\file2.txt

rusconv -win2unix -o readonly\*.*

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

warning: 'readonly\file2.txt' is read-only, skipping.

readonly\file1.txt -> .....\readonly\rcE203.TMP -> readonly\file1.txt: ok.

1 file(s) converted.

warning: pattern 'pattern' produce no files.

  This message is printed when no any appropriate file was added to converting list. It can be if, for example, this files are hidden or system. This message is absent in UNIX version because in UNIX work with metachars is a duty of operating system.


attrib readonly\*.*

A R FILE1.TXT .....\readonly\file1.txt

A R FILE2.TXT .....\readonly\file2.txt

rusconv -win2unix -o readonly\*.*

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

warning: 'readonly\file1.txt' is read-only, skipping.

warning: 'readonly\file2.txt' is read-only, skipping.

warning: pattern 'readonly\*.*' produce no files.

error: no files to convert.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

0 file(s) converted.

error: no files to convert.

 Check that you write file list. Also it is possible that items of file list are ignored due some reasons.


rusconv -win +alt readme.txt]

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

error: file 'readme.txt]' does not exists.

error: no files to convert.

try 'rusconv -h' or read the manual for help.

0 file(s) converted.

error: can't make name for temporary file.

 It is a very difficult to get this message. In windows version this possible if you specify file overwriting on write-protected disk A:\.


rusconv -alt +koi -o a:\test

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

a:\TEST: error: can't make name for temporary file.

0 file(s) converted.

error: can't open file 'file name'.

  Check that file is really exists. If you work in network make sure that you have read writes.


ls -l html/*

--w--w----   1 w_re   w_re   4095 Oct 15 22:58 html/f1.html

--w--w----   1 w_re   w_re   4096 Oct 15 22:58 html/f1.html

--w--w----   1 w_re   w_re   4097 Oct 15 22:58 html/f1.html

rusconv -w2u -o html/*

error: can't open file 'html/f1.html'.

error: can't open file 'html/f2.html'.

error: can't open file 'html/f3.html'.

error: can't create file 'file name'.

 Disc may be write-protected. Make sure that don't exists file with the same name but with attribute 'read-only'. Check that you don't use not allowed symbols in file name.


rusconv -win +lat -ext win/lat test

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

.\test -> .\test.win/lat: error: can't create file '.\test.win/lat'.

0 file(s) converted.

error: error reading file 'file name'.

 File may be damaged. Rusconv finishes any work with this file. Output files will have text which was converted before error occured.


rusconv -crlf2cr a:\badfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

a:\badfile.txt -> .\badfile.cr: error: error reading file 'a:\badfile.txt'.

0 file(s) converted.

error: error writing file 'file name'.

 Disc where file is placed may be damaged or full. Rusconv finishes any work with this file. Output files will have text which was converted before error occured.


rusconv -o -crlf2cr a:\longfile.txt

** rusconv -- convertor of Russian codepages, v.3.11.

** (c)w_re -- Oleg A. Paraschenko http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/w_re/

a:\longfile.txt -> A:\rcC094.TMP -> a:\longfile.txt: error: error writing file 'A:\rcC094.TMP'.

0 file(s) converted.

error: can't replace file 'file name' by file 'temporary file'.

  Overwriting of file consist of three stages. In first stage source file converts to temporary file. When source file deleted. On last stage temporary file receive name of source file. This message is printed if error occured during this stages.

 We can't get this message, so no example.

error: not enough memory.

 This error should not be happen. See description of next error, 'internal error'.

 We can't get this message, so no example.

error: sorry, internal error has been detected

in source file 'source file name' on line line number.

please inform us about it by email prof@beta.math.spbu.ru

 This error should not be ever happen. A lot of testing maked rusconv very stable. But if you get this message try collect as much as possible information when and why its happen. Then send us E-MAIL with description (address is prof@beta.math.spbu.ru).

 We can't get this message, so no example.


Document created by Oleg A. Paraschenko

Last changes - 15 November 1998

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